John Kinloch

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John Kinloch
Born November 1st. 1907.
Citizenship British.
Occupation Insurance agent.
Employer Butterfield & Swire, China Navigation Co.
Title Baronet.


September 17th. 1928 to November 8th. 1930. Employed by John Swire & Sons Ltd. in the London Shipping Office. Passed the London Chamber of Commerce Junior Certificate for Book Keeping and Accountancy. Reported as being an exceptionally sound and solid fellow and A1.

January 6th. 1931.. Joined Butterfield & Swire in Shanghai, as an Insurance Assistant. Reported by the heads of staff as being most promising and with experience he should make a first class insurance man.

September 10th. 1932. Appointed Assistant in the insurance agency at Chungking., then on October 3rd. 1934 appointed as the Chungking Agent.

October 1934. Reported to have acquired a satisfactory knowledge of the Chinese (Mandarin) language.

March 25th. 1936 Proceeded on leave to England.

March 10th. 1937. Returning from leave, appointed to Changsha as Insurance Agent.

March 30th. 1938. At Shanghai, (for Nanking) with the River Outport Desk.

November 15th. 1938 Temporary Agent at Amoy.

February 5th. 1939. At Shanghai as temporary assistant.

July 30th. 1939 At Nanking as the Agent,

June 4th 1941. At Canton as the Agent.

July 17th. 1941. Interned in China by the Japanese.

November 17th. 1945. Appointed as the Insurance Agent at Chungking.

June 14th. 1946. At Hankow as the Insurance Agent, until February 6th 1949 when he proceeded on leave to the U.K.

November 8th. 1949 Returning from leave to Hong Kong, appointed to the Passenger Department.

December 7th. 1959 to June 7th. 1960. Temporary position in charge of the CNCo. floating staff in Hong Kong, until Ian Macrae was available, when he returned to the Passenger Department.

April 1961. Retired after 33 years service.


Events / Stories
