Frederick Lockie Pears

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Frederick Lockie Pears
Born December 4th. 1902.
Nationality British.
Occupation Marine Engineer.
Joined CNCo service September 16th. 1929
Left CNCo service June 14th. 1935


September 16th. 1929. Arrived at Shanghai on Agreement, after a 5 year apprenticeship with R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co. Ltd.

Employed as 3/E on various vessels as required.

February 1932. Obtained his 2nd Class Certificate of Competency, No. 4620 in Hong Kong. Appointed as 3/E to various vessels as required.

March 29th. 1933. He was 3/E on the Nanchang II when the ship was attacked by pirates. After the pirates had gained control of the Nanchang II, they decided to send a messenger to Newchwang to establish contact between themselves and the Manchoukuo authorities, demanding a ransom for the officers being held. Frederick Lockie Pears was chosen as the messenger, due to the fact that as he was wearing a boiler suit when captured, the pirates assumed he was the least important of the prisoners. He successfully reached Newchwang making contact with the Manchoukuo authorities.

April 22nd. 1933. Returned to sea, sailing as 3/E and 2/E on numerous vessels until going on Home leave on November 4th 1934, travelling by the "Agememnon".

June 4th 1935 Resigned from C.N.Co. at the end of his leave.


Events / Stories
