Wuhu I

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Wuhu I
ID.No. 1079685.
Type Cargo / Passenger
Gross Registered Tonnage 3,051 grt. 1,960 nett.
Builder Scott & Co. C D, Yard No. 185.
Hull Iron, Clincher construction.
Decks 2, Bridge decker.
Length 289.4 ft.
Width 50.3 ft.
Depth 12.9 ft.
Passengers 800, total all classes
Engine Builder Greenock Foundry Co.
Engine Type 2 x Steam, compound inverted
Engine cylinders 18" dia., 26" dia.
Engine stroke 2.83 ft.
Engine Power 300 nhp. 1,196.ihp.
Engine RPM 85
Propulsion mode Twin screw.
Speed 11.5/12.0 kts.
Rigged Sloop.
Displacement 2,487 tons.
Deadweight 1,491 tons
Bale capacity 155,147 cu.ft.
Block coefficient (Cb) 0.607
Condenser cooling surface 2,700 sq.ft.
Steam expansion ratio 3.7
ratio_of_air_pump_capacity_to_lp_cylinder_volume 9.5
ratio_of_sw_circulating_pump_capacity_to_lp_cylinder_volume 9.5
Boiler 4, locomotive type.
Boiler pressure 80 psi.
Boiler dimensions (total) 8'6"dia. 14'6" long
Heating Surface (total) 4,454 sq.ft.
Grate Area (total) 154 sq.ft.
Steam space volume 1,428 sq.ft.
Fuel Coal
Furnace 2 per boiler
Furnace dimensions 3'6" dia,5'6" long. Blr. tubes 3.5" O.D. x 10'0" long
Draught natural
Propeller Right hand 9.5 ft. dia., 14.0 ft pitch. Left hand,9.83ft dia.,16.0 ft. pitch
Propeller blades 4:- each propeller
Propeller formation Solid
Propeller material Cast iron.
Launched Feb 11th 1879
Original owner China Navigation Co.
Delivered to owner April 24th. 1879.


January 6th. 1883. On a voyage from Shanghai to Hankow, soon after leaving Shanghai, became stranded in a fog at Waterman Spit, Langsham Crossing, Lower Yangtse river.

January 8th. 1883, the vessel began to break up.

February 5th. 1883. Sold at auction for scrap metal to Chinese buyers.


Built for service the lower Yangtse river. The ship was of shallow draught design. The main cargo deck was about 9'0" high, and the ports about 7'0" high above the deck so that the light was not blocked by stowage of the cargo.

The funnel could be lowered and stowed in a typhoon.

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