John William Tinson

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John William Tinson
Born June 6th. 1895.
Nationality British.
Occupation Master mariner.
Employer China Navigation Co.
Joined CNCo service February 21st. 1916.
Left CNCo service May 9th. 1953.


February 21st. 1916. Joined China Navigation Co. with his 1st. Mate's Certicicate of Competency. Arriving by the P & O.S.N. ship "Nankin"

March 5th. 1917. Promoted to substantive Chief Officer and employed on numerous vessels, as required.

January 12th. 1920. Obtained his Master's Certificate of Competency No. 3718 in Hong Kong.

December 14th. 1922. Promoted to substantive Master, and employed on various vessels as required.

1942 - 1945. Interned for duration of WW2.

June 14th. 1950. Standing by the building of the Chungking III at Scotts Dockyard in Greenock, signing articles as Master on October 17th 1950.

January 20th. 1951. Returned to Scotts Dockyard to standby the new building of the Changchow III, signing articles as Master on February 20th. 1951.

July 1952. Appointed Fleet Commodore.

May 9th 1953. Retired to Australia after 37 years service.


Events / Stories
