Ernest Charles Ogilvie Bird

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Ernest Charles Ogilive Bird
Born June 9th. 1903.
Nationality British.
Occupation Marine Engineer.
Employer China Navigation Co.
Parents W.C.Bird. (Father), then C/O with the Douglas S.S.Co. of Hong Kong.
Joined CNCo service August 10th. 1925.
Left CNCo service May 19th. 1936.


October 8th.1925. After serving an apprenticeship with L.S.W.R. in their locomotive workshops in England, joined C.N.Co. in Hong Kong, not on Agreement. His father W.C.Bird was 1st. Mate with the Douglas S.S.Co. of Hong Kong, their residential address being:- 3, Aimai Villas, Kimberly Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. He was appointed as 3/E on the following vessels;- Foochow II, Kashing, Sunning, Changchow, Luchow, Szechuen II, Chenan I, then on the Anking I as 3/E, and when attacked by pirates - as acting 2/E. Kingyuan, Huichow.

May 30th. 1929. to June 22nd. 1929.. Granted leave in Hong Kong. Returned to sea as 3/E on Anking I, Kalgan II and Kaying.

March 31st. 1930. Obtained his 2/E Certificate of Competency, No. 4757 in Hong Kong, Appointed as 3/E on the Sunning, Newchwang II, Kiukiang, Shantung II then as 2/E, on Hsin Peking I as 3/E, Kueichow and Shantung II as 2/E, proceeding on home leave on March 29th. 1933.

November 26th.1933. Returned from leave, sailed as Assistant Engineer on the Yochow II, 2/E and acting C/E on the Kweiyang II and Nanning II, 2/E on the Kingyuan, Kiangsu, acting C/E on the Nanning II, Wuhu III and Yochow II, then 2/E on the Changsha II, and as acting C/E on the Huichow. Appointed as 2/E on the Kueichow, Shengking II, Huichow, Hsin Peking I and Kintang.

June 1st 1936. Paid off in Shanghai.


Events / Stories
