William Goggan Lalor

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William Goggan Lalor
Born January 6th. 1892.
Awards Order of the British Empire
Joined CNCo service September 14th. 1923.
Left CNCo service August 31st. 1930


September 14th. 1923. Joined C.N.Co. on Agreement, already in possession of his Masters Certificate. Employed on numerous vessels as required, probably as 1st Mate, and Master.

May 6th. 1927. "Awarded the O.B.E for his actions as Master of the Wanliu I during the Wanhsien incident. His citation reads:- His actions in enforcing the legitimate rights of the ship under his command required great courage, whilst his services in promptly taking a relief ship with a naval crew from Ichang to Chungking during the disturbance in 1925 when Chinese crews and pilots deserted was most valuable and praiseworthy." Refer to the Wanhsien - Events /Stories

November 30th. 1927. Master of the "Siangtan" when attacked by pirates.

October 1929. On return from Home Leave sailed as 1/M on the "Szechuen II", "Hsin Peking I", "Chusan", "Tungchow I", and as Master on the "Changchow II", and "Linan".

August 31st 1930. Resigned of his own accord.


Events / Stories
