David Bogie

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David Bogie
Born May 29th. 1895.
Nationality British.
Occupation Marine Engineer.
Employer China Navigation Co..
Joined CNCo service November 30th. 1924.
Left CNCo service May 18th 1963.


November 30th. 1924. Joined China Navigation Co., arriving in Shanghai on Agreement, already in possession of his 2nd Class Certificate of Competency (Steam) No. 63062, issued in Leith in September 1924. Sailed as 3rd. Engineer on the Soochow II, Foochow II and Taming.

October 1st, 1925. Sailed as 2nd. Engineer on the Pakhoi II, and Taming.

June 29th. 1926. Took a short leave in Hong Kong when he obtained his 1st. Class Certificate of Competency (Steam) No 4522 on July 8th.1926.

July 9th 1926. Appointed as 3rd. Engineer on the Anking I and Kaying.

October 8th. 1926. Promoted to 2nd. Engineer, sailing as 2nd. Engineer on the Kaying, until July 4th. 1929.

July 7th. 1927 to September 7th 1927. on Strike see Images section for details. N.B. Seniority was reduced for the period when on strike.

July 5th. 1929. Promoted to Chief Engineer, and sailing as Chief Engineer / Supernumerary Chief Engineer on all vessels appointed to as required, Hanyang I, Kiating, Shansi I, and the Kiating, proceeding on Home leave on May 23rd. 1931, travelling by the Trans Siberian Railway.

December 21st. 1931. Returned from Home Leave, appointed to the Shengking II, then a short spell on the Wanliu I, prior to spending three weeks on the inspection of the floating properties.

March 25th. 1932. Appointed to the Wanhsien, Anking I, Kwangchow and Kiating, and numerous periods of short duration in relieving positions on various vessels, prior going on Home Leave on December 8th. 1936. again by the Trans Siberian Railway.

September 15th. 1937. Returned from Home Leave, appointed to the Shuntien II, Tatung I, and Hanyang II, proceeding on Long Leave on July 5th. 1941.

David Bogie describes his trip to join the Yochow II. Yochow II was carrying stores, ammunition and troops from Milne bay and Hollandia to the beachheads and bases, following up the forces as they progressed northwards. The furthest north we got was Tacloban in the Philippines, where we stayed three weeks during the battle of Leyte and saw plenty of action. To join the Yochow II, I had to hitch-hike to Milne Bay, armed with a U.S. travelling order. Brisbane to Rockhampton was by Army transport plane, thence to Townsville by bomber. There I heard despite hush-hush regulations, that CNCo's Anhui was due to load 400 US troops for Milne Bay, so I decided to wait for a passage. On Anhui one Sunday, the Master Captain A. Cook, conducted an impressive church service for all hands. When he was in the middle of what threatened to be a long peroration, the proceedings were marred by a burst of gunfire from one of the bored troops, who had been fiddling with a machine-gun - resulting in one of the congregation getting a bullet through his leg.

January 11th. 1942. Returning from leave appointed to the Yochow II, and in February 10th. 1944, joined thePoyang II.

February 14th. 1945. Obtained his Motor Endorsement, Commonwealth of Australia No. 0071 in Sydney.

After a short leave of 4 weeks, in New Zealand joined the Anhui II in April 1945. Unfortunately suffered from Sceptic Meningitis, being on sick leave, including 2 months in hospital, until proceeding on long leave on September 12th 1945.

June 1st. 1946. Appointed to the Yunnan III, Wusueh, and Shengking II.

January 20th. 1947. Travelled to the U.K. to standby the new building Shansi II, signing articles as Chief Engineer, February 1947.

May 15th. 1948., Proceeded on Home Leave, after which on November 30th. 1948, standing by the new building Changsha IV in Greenock, signing articles as Chief engineer on May 1st 1949.

December 1st. 1953. Proceeded on Home Leave.

August 16th. 1954. Returned from leave, appointed to the following vesselsSinkiang II, Soochow III, Taiyuan III, and Changsha III, going on Home Leave December 1st, 1958.

October 25th. 1959. Returning from leave, appointed to the Pakhoi III, Shansi II, and Anking II.

May 18th.1963. Retired after nearly 39 years service.


Events / Stories
