Archibald Cook

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Archibald Cook
Born April 16th. 1898.
Occupation Master Mariner.
Joined CNCo service June 25th. 1920.
Left CNCo service September 15th. 1944.


June 26th. 1920 Joined C.N.Co. in Hong Kong, not on Agreement, in possession of his 2nd. Mate"s Certificate of Competence. Sailed on various vessels as required as 3rd. Mate.

July 15th. 1921. Passed 1st. Mate's Certificate of Competence in Hong Kong. Promoted to 1st Mate on July 29th 1921.

December 13th. 1924. Obtained his Master's Certificate of Competence No. 4331 in Hong Kong, being promoted to Master on March 8th 1925. Sailed as Master on all vessels to which he was appointed from this date.

May 5th. 1926 to January 25th. 1927 on Home Leave.

1927. Took part in the general strike, lost 2 months seniority.

Appointed to numerous vessels including the Chenan, Kalgan II, Shantung II and Kweiyang II, going on Home leave on May 5th. 1932.

January 11th. 1933. Returned from leave, sailing on the following vessels:- Wanhsien, Kiungchow, Hoihow II, Fatshan II, Kweiyang II.

March 14th. 1938 to October 9th. 1938. on Home leave. On return from leave joined the Szechuen II, and on March 20th 1941 appointed to the Fatshan II. Interned in Canton on December 8th. 1941.

August 27th. 1942. Repatriated to South Africa, arriving in Larenco Marques, being granted leave in order to settle his family.

January 11th.1943. left Durban for Sydney joining the Anhui II on March 11th. 1943.

August 2nd. 1944. Granted leave in South Africa (balance of leave due and long service leave and leave without pay) At the end of which he was to report to Bombay for return to duty. Whilst on leave he took command of an American vessel for a voyage to South America without reference to Bombay, hence unable to return to duty when due, hence he was dismissed from C.N.Co's service.


Events / Stories
