John McKinlay

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James McKinlay
Born December 9th. 1903.
Nationality British.
Occupation Master Mariner
Denomination Presbyterian.
Spouse(s) Kathleen M. McKinlay.
Joined CNCo service November 18th. 1924.
Left CNCo service September 7th. 1960.


November 18th. 1924. Joined China Navigation Co. holding his 2nd. Mate's Certificate of Competency. Appointed as 3rd. Mate. / 2nd. Mate on various vessels as required. Obtained his 1st Mate's Certificate of Competency in Hong Kong on April 3rd. 1926. then sailing as 2nd Mate / 1st. Mate as required. Involved in the 1927 strike action, see the report in the Images section

July 27th. 1928. Promoted to 1st. Mate, on the Chusan. and Changsha II.

March 29th. 1929. Obtained his Masters Certificate of Competency No. 4703 in Hong Kong, and sailed as 1st. Mate on the Changsha II, prior to proceeding on Home leave on February 2nd. 1930..

December 22nd 1930.. Appointed to the new building Anshun I as 2/M., then on February 11th 1931 to the Huichow as 1st. Mate / relieving Master.

July 7th. 1931. Granted special Home leave.

February 10th. 1932.. Returning from leave, appointed 1st. Mate on the Kaying, Shuntien I, Hanyang I, Newchwang II, Kweiyang II, Tsinan II, Shantung II, Ninghai I, Chekiang I, and Fatshan II, peoceeding on Home Leave on July 25th 1936.

May 13th.1937. Returning from home leave, proceeded to Shanghai where he was Assistant to the Marine Superintendent until May 3rd. 1938, when he returned to sea as 1st. Mate of the Shengking II

May 27th. 1942. Proceeded on Home Leave.

November 27th. 1942 Returned from Home leave, now on reserve until April 2nd. 1943 when he joined the Shengking II as 1st. Mate. Between January 10th. and March 24th. 1945, sailed as Master. Awarded the M.B.E

September 29th 1945. Appointed as Master on the Kiungchow, then as relieving Master on the Hunan II on March 11th.1946.

September 29th. 1946, Promoted to Master. However appointed in relieving positions of short duration as 1st. Mate to the Foochow III, Anhui II, Wusueh and Wuchang II, prior to going on Home Leave on April 12th. 1947.

January 10th.1948. Returned from leave, appointed Master on the Wuchang II, as 1st. Mate on the Fatshan II, then as Master on all vessels employed, Pakhoi III, Fengtien II, Hunan II, Anhui II, Tsinan II, Fatshan II, Shengking II, Nanchang II (for the final two months prior to the vessel sold for scrap.)

October 26th. 1950. Standing by the new building Anshun II at Scotts shipyard in Greenock, signing articles as Master on December 26th.1950.

January 16th. 1952. Joined the Kweiyang II. then proceeding on Home Leave on April 4th. 1952.

January 9th. 1953. Appointed to the Hunan II, then on the Anking II from April 11th. 1953 until taking Home Leave on December 17th 1956. Whilst on home leave, attended the Merchant Navy Defence Course and the Radar Observer Course in Liverpool.

September 11th. 1957. Returned from Home Leave, appointed to the Anshun II, Chekiang II, Foochow III, before proceeding on Home leave on September 14th. 1959.

January 30th. 1960. Returning from Home Leave, appointed to the Kweichow I.

September 7th. 1960. Retired earlier than anticipated to care for his wife, who had suffered a nervous breakdown.


Events / Stories
